Saturday, December 29, 2007

Positivity and Optamism

Just as they say .. "everythiung happens for a reason". Now although it is not a hard line fact that the reason has to be positive, but whats the harm in looking towards the bright side of the picture at all times. is it so wrong to think in a positive manner, handling every hurdle and problem in life with a positive and upbeat approach.... is it so wrong to ask others to do the same .. cheering people up with a taste of positivity and optamism. If yes then i am guilty.

I have always tried to look to the postives in life... never let negitivity run my life even in the worst moments i managed to find the light and look at things with an optamists eyes. But i guess positivity and optamism have its disadvantages .. disadvantages that heavily outweight the the advantages. for starters positivity also gives rise to expectations and hope ... promises and gestures ... but when they are not fulfilled ... the world turns ugly ....

so maybe positivity is just for the idealistic fools who always see the world as a perfect place .. no normal human being should have that thinking ... emotions, feelings and disappointments should have no place in a persons life .. one should always think of bad things , expect the worst and be prepared for it ... perhaps that is the secret of a happiness and not thinking about the good things in life

Another factor that also comes into play is caring ... cause caring becomes intrusion very fast .. so caring , friendship must have boundries one must never try to cross em or they come back to bite u ...

However for an idealistic fool like me to come up with such conculsions is very unexpected ,... so as always I would like to end with a request for all ur thoughts on the matter .

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