Saturday, December 30, 2006

Last Post for the year 2006

Well here we are again ... the end of another year .. well not quite .. but well with just anotehr 22 hrs to go .. i think nothing drastic can happen in that time ... so lets round the year off shall we ...

A year that can be sumed up in one word .. and trust me that I like to .. use just one word for it .. but the last quater of the year is just stopping me form doing that .. this year started on a low .. but really reached the rock bottom by august but then things started to get better towards the end of the third quater and the last 3 months ahve been the best i ve had in a long time .. except the last 10 days of the yuear didnt go as expected

professionally .. the year has been rough ,, after a year of constant problems with my boss , being highly dis satisfied with the job, i finnally made the switch to another job that has turned out to be the best move i ve made so far while being in this country. Got a significant pay rise, got a job where i can actually learn a lot and utilise all that i know .. so things have gone for the better

otherwise after living in hell (coventry) for a year, having soo many issues with people, after being let down by people time and time again i have finnaly managed to let all that go and concentrate on the principle of me first .. though natural insticts are tuff to leave behind but i am getting there

Leaving coventry and moving back to lufbra was probably the best thing that has happened to me over the past two years ... I have found two people who have managed to bring some sanity and purpose to my meaningless existance in this coutry... where my stuypendous nature of going out of the way for others has brought me somethign apart from disappointment and regret .. instead i ve gained an invalueable friend and satisfaction that my time spent here has not been a total loss and my experiences can actually help people with their problems.

the main question is where do I go from here ... what does the comming year hold for me ... is the turbulent time of my life finally over ... will it be smooth sailing from now on ... will the long residing question in my mind be answered ... will my craziness ever come to an end .... i guess i ll have to wait and see

one other thing .. one of my addictions came to an end in the last year as well .. Charmed a Tv show that i had watched and followed for the last 8 years finally concluded so now where do we go ... well I am still hooked to smallville and now i ve picked up a new obsession .. HEROES ... now how long will that last.

The answer to all these things is what the future holds for me .. when where or how they will be answered i do not know .. thats the only thrill and adventure left in my life and thats what making it worth living ...

I guess with another 21 hrs to go .. I ll make an early start and wish you all A Very very Happy New Year and may your life be far less comlicated then mine

Friday, December 29, 2006

So thats how things work out

Weill I am sure that people are not gonna be interested in knowing how my vacation has turned out so far .. well but u know me i am gonna tell you anyways.

so since my last post when i was about to go to leeds to kick off my road trip ..w ell as i said that did happen .. and i found an entirely empty motorway .. made it there in like an hr .. w/o speeding i must add .. so it was a good couple of days as i didnt not leave there till midnight the next day. Again the trip was a breeze in a traffic free enviroment

and yet again it was a third sleepless night .. as i had borrowed sam for a day to go shopping .. and you know how boxing day sales work. by the way i have no idea why its called the boxing day but thats besides the point. Considering that i detest shopping to the limit i was in the malls from 6 am to 5 pm .. so it was nothing short of torture but at least i got somethign done that day

so imagine after 3 days of not sleeping u can imagine how the last couple of days must have been .. yes in bed fast a sleep for most of yesterday.. and then my trademark all night phone call trying to excuse myself from the warth of the newly wedds.

I still have another couple of people who i need to talk too as i havent spoken to them for ages.. so i gues tonight will be a good time for that.
and as usual the speculation about eid hangs on our heads .. for once it will be nice to know when it is gonna be .. but in either case i m off for the family fun sometime tomorrow and then the new years .. the rest of the plan remains intact


Sunday, December 24, 2006

the harsh realities of life

its amazing how you can plan things for ages and ages and when the time comes thin gs dont workout for you .. something always comes in the way. your job , workload, finances, visas, and now most recently .. its a lack of flight availability that has killed my vacatuion plans again

Now as they always say desperate times call for desperate measures .. imagine spending a 10 day vacation at home doing nothing .. now thats not me .. but then what else can a person do .. my friends have come up with the positives of me staying here for the vacation .. they say at least i ll be able to save some cash .. but i hardly dopubt it ..

why you ask .. well once you hear my plan .. things will become much clearer ... so by not going for the wedding i have managed to save the ticket money and all .. but the way i have deviced road vacation for myself i hardly doubt that there will be any sort of savings involved

the vacation has alreaduy taken a start .. though i sopent most of yesterday sleeping but that was not before i drove 400 miles to london and back in the space of 7 hrs ... just to pick up a person i had never met before in my life .. now why would anyone do that .. well because a freind asked me to .. so as if i had anything better to do ....

now my own plans are gonna start .. i m driving to leeds within the hour to spend a couple of days there, then gonna go over to MK for some good boxing day shopping, go skiing the next day and spend a day commanding my troops in a game of paintball... whatfun ..

this is all to keep my mind distracted of what i am missing out on......

now with just 3 blank days left .. well and eid being one of them so that is a day safe to spend with mani and zubi bhai .. its nice to be able toi have family fun afterall .. and then new years night in london .. and the last day recouperating from all of this ... so tell em will i be saving anything .. i think not ... anyway i still have 1 major question

WHY DO MY PLANS NEVER WORKOUT .. and howcome unexpected last minute things always go ahead ??